How Hit Rate and MRR Measure LLM Retrievers - AI Simplified Series.

Tamilselvan Subramanian
3 min readFeb 14, 2024

Imagine you’re a detective hunting for clues in a vast library. Every book represents a piece of information, and your goal is to find the most relevant ones quickly. This is exactly what Large Language Models (LLMs) do as retrievers, searching through mountains of text to deliver the answers you seek. But how do we judge their success? Enter Hit Rate and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), the secret agents behind the scenes, evaluating the effectiveness of these digital sleuths.

Hit Rate: Bullseye or Miss?

Think of Hit Rate as a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down system. Did the LLM retrieve at least one relevant document for your query? It’s like throwing a dart at a target. If it hits, the Hit Rate is 1 (bullseye!), but if it misses entirely, it’s 0 (oops!).

Example: You ask an LLM “What is the capital of France?” Ideally, it should retrieve documents mentioning “Paris” as the answer. If it does, the Hit Rate is 1. But if it retrieves random articles about French cuisine, the Hit Rate is 0.

MRR: Ranking the Relevance:

Hit Rate tells you if the LLM found any relevant information, but what about ranking it? This is where MRR steps in. Imagine the target now has rings, with the most relevant answer in the center (bullseye) and less relevant ones further out. MRR considers the position of the first relevant document. The closer it is to the center, the higher the MRR.

Example: Let’s say you ask the LLM “Who wrote the Mona Lisa?” It retrieves three documents:

  1. A biography of Leonardo da Vinci (bullseye!)
  2. An article about famous Italian paintings
  3. A list of Renaissance artists

The first relevant document (biography) is ranked 1st, so the MRR is 1/1 (perfect!). The other documents are less relevant, lowering the overall MRR.

Why are Hit Rate and MRR Important?

These metrics are crucial for developers who build search engines, chatbots, and other applications powered by LLMs. They help to:

  • Compare different LLMs: See which one consistently retrieves more relevant information.
  • Tune and improve LLMs: Identify areas where the LLM might struggle and make adjustments.
  • Ensure user satisfaction: By delivering relevant results quickly, LLMs keep users happy and engaged.

The Future of LLMs and Information Retrieval:

As LLMs evolve, Hit Rate and MRR will become even more important tools for measuring their effectiveness. Imagine:

  • Personalized search results: LLMs could tailor results to your individual preferences, interests, and past searches.
  • Advanced question answering: LLMs could understand complex questions and retrieve not just documents, but also specific answers within them.
  • Real-time information access: LLMs could process massive amounts of data in real-time, providing up-to-date information instantly.

By understanding Hit Rate and MRR, you’re not just learning about LLM evaluation, you’re taking a peek into the future of information retrieval, where LLMs will play a central role in how we access and interact with knowledge.


  • Hit Rate tells you if the LLM found any relevant information.
  • MRR tells you how high it ranked the most relevant information.
  • Both metrics are crucial for building effective LLM retrievers and shaping the future of information access.

So, the next time you use a search engine or ask a chatbot a question, remember the silent agents working behind the scenes — Hit Rate and MRR — ensuring you get the answers you need, quickly and accurately!

